A-fib no more!

For years I have lived with A-fib (Atrial Fibrillation) and the side effects of the meds to treat it. While very hesitant, I had decided to have the ablation surgery to hopefully ease, if not end, the daily A-fib episodes. Then the Covid pandemic hit and all elective surgeries were cancelled. When Dr. Helen Law began seeing patients again I scheduled an appointment to ask if acupuncture could help reduce the daily A-fib episodes. She said that she could help me - and did she ever! I am now free of A-fib! No meds! I will continue with acupuncture as I have a very slight twitch of A-fib on occasion but no meds required. My cardiologist is as amazed as I am and totally supportive of acupuncture. I am so grateful and thankful to Dr. Law and acupuncture!



Excellent Care