
I am so thankful for your help in achieving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. When my husband and I decided we wanted to try to get pregnant, I noticed that my cycles were very irregular. My OB/GYN ran some tests and determined that I had elevated prolactin levels.  I was referred to an endocrine specialist, and he put me on a medicine to lower my prolactin. My levels lowered immediately, but I did not see improvement in my cycles.  I was very stressed that my cycle would not improve on its own. I began more aggressive fertility treatments (Clomid & then Gonadotropins).  I had also read a lot of great things about acupuncture and how it can aid in fertility, so I decided to combine acupuncture with my fertility treatments.

I have nothing but great things to say about the Chinese Acupuncture Healthcare Center. I started weekly acupuncture treatments and noticed immediately how relaxed I felt after a session. I found that acupuncture helped relieve a lot of my stress. I took my herbs daily and really enjoyed doing something natural to help my body. I wish I could say the same about my experience with Clomid and Gonadotropins. I experienced a lot of side effects and developed cysts each cycle I used the fertility drugs.  I needed to sit out every other cycle and wait for the cysts to go away before I could resume the fertility treatments. Jennifer suggested a number of times that I discontinue the use of these drugs because of all of the negative reactions I was experiencing, but at the time, I was so anxious to become pregnant, I was afraid to stop using them.

When I finally became pregnant, it was during one of my off cycles. I had taken my herbs daily, and I went in for acupuncture treatments, but I wasn’t using any fertility medication.  My husband and I were so excited!!  I continued taking herbs during my first trimester to help maintain a healthy pregnancy.  Then in my third trimester, when I was a week overdue, I came in for a few acupuncture sessions to help move things along.  After my third session, my water broke later that same day.  My baby was born the next morning. I gave birth to a healthy 8 lb, 12 ounce baby boy.

I am so thankful to have met Jennifer and experience her warm care. The experience really helped me to develop trust in my own body and know its potential. I also realized the importance of balance (in my body, at work and in my personal life). Now I can’t wait to try for baby number 2.


