Help for Son

I wanted to take a moment to share my story with your patients at Chinese Acupuncture Healthcare. My mother, sister and I have been patients of Helen for the past year and during that time I was struggling with my son Jack’s lack of language and speech development. In search of answers, my husband and I talked with parents, friends, family members, etc. to gain their perspective. Some of Jack’s symptoms included wandering eyes, repetitive patterns, and lack of communication. Over the course of the year, my husband and I visited a developmental pediatrician who diagnosed our son as speech delayed.

Afraid and embarrassed, I was uncomfortable sharing my story. My mother and Helen had a conversation and my mom explained my concerns about Jack. Helen’s response to my mom was – “Tell Kathryn to bring him in to the office. I think I can help.” I finally mustered up enough courage to schedule an appointment. Immediately, Helen found the problem. She identified his occipital muscle as the source of the problem and through a series of cranial manipulations she was able to open the passageway and allow the blood to flow to the brain.

Today, Jack Gregory Aumack is a different child. Immediately following the cranial manipulations, Jack’s vision and auditory problem disappeared. He responds to my call, follows my directions, has become much more verbal, can ride a bike and even use the potty. What an amazing difference!

I am truly grateful for Helen’s magical hands and positive approach.
– K.K.


Wound Care


Miracle Workers